In continuation of human endeavor, Gajera Trust in collaboration with Laxmi Diamond Pvt. Ltd organized a medical camp at Sutharpada village in Valsad district of Gujarat state. The camp was held on 19th August 2018, Sunday. The medical camp was set up with a sole objective to bring awareness amongst the deprived population of the Sutharpada village who do not have any access to basic healthcare services or knowledge about the diseases they might be suffering from.

Moreover, during the camp it was made sure that people at Sutharpada village get required healthcare at the right time with the doctors’ consult before a small health issue turns serious.


The health camp was lead by some of the best health professionals including medical specialists, consultants, nurses and volunteers. Overall physical examinations including eye and health check-up, proper functioning of vital organs like the heart, lungs, digestive system, liver, kidneys and the immune system were done efficiently by the team. The camp was proved to be very helpful for the poor population who earn a meager income and cannot afford extravagant medical services provided by clinics and hospitals.


To serve the camp as a life-saving program which aimed to provide free medical and surgical services to destitute communities living in agrarian or urban areas by our team of healthcare professionals as a medical mobile team with specialized medical service.

To drive the medical camp with the strong ethics of medicine as our moral responsibility and obligation to treat each patient disregarding their incomes, race or social status.

The most vital objective of the health camp was to provide initial care to people in life-threatening conditions which reflected the unique strengths and goals of medical ethics.

Apart from the above ethical objectives, few other objectives that lead the campaign in a successful manner are listed below:

Providing free and high-quality medical services to the needy population.

Working as an emergency mobile team in disasters.

Raising health awareness among the community and teaching them to deal with communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Undertaking subtle and severe cases and referring them to specialized health centers.

Appraising their living conditions and determining the difficulties and challenges to work on solving their problems.

Referring medical cases towards surgeries if required.


Apparently, we surely need to improve our healthcare system being defeated, where cost is reaching its own sky as the needy are unable to afford the health care they truly deserve. Proper medical care is a right of every human which should be made available to everyone including people living in rural or urban areas. Not only literates, let every human on the earth have the right to get informed about the truth of various diseases and its treatments in order to keep them aware of their own health. Let us all doctors together take a pledge to serve each patient with equal care and evenly support to all, irrespective of their background and income.

We, at Gajera Trust, will keep on serving humanity by taking care of the sick and the needy by providing education and support in all the way we can.