Superstar Supermoms: Ladies who rock both on and off the field

What is common between mothers and athletes? They are both formidable against challenges. Motherhood, in all its glory, is one of the biggest roles, challenges and journeys that someone undertakes – much like an athlete. It is full of thousands of sacrifices, sleepless days and nights and devotion. Gajera Trust honors and appreciates the effort, dedication, struggle and passion of all mothers whether it’s on the field or off it. Mothers not only represent women in sports but also an inspiration to the little giants of today that will be the stars of tomorrow. A big thank you to mothers for moving forward and being the winners in all the categories of love in our hearts.
“You don’t have to be skinny or young to be fit. You just have to be willing.”
Sports is a crucial element in the overall development of not just physical but also mental fitness. Not to mention the all-round character development of the individual. While we believe and embody this deeply with our Learners and Educators across all our schools, we also extend it to the parents and caregivers as well. After all, they are the valuable nurturers shaping our leaders of tomorrow. Sporting events form the crux of community building as well as friendly interactions that not only develop the foundation of body management but also, the mastery of skillful movements. “Freedom to be Who I Am” Exemplifying the motto “Freedom to be Who I Am,” Gajera Trust is proud to be associated with the women’s box cricket league tournament organized by BigBash for the first time in Surat’s cricketing history. Named “My Mom My Superstar” the inter-school sporting event was specifically designed for moms from all walks of life.

Today, they are living and inspiring proof that a mother’s role is not limited to just the home but actively involves other areas of community and society as well.
At Gajera Trust, we’re always on the frontlines of development and learning. Our passion for local communities across all stages of learning motivates us to stay ahead and unify parent-child interactions that facilitate this dream. “Every Accomplishment Begins with the Decision to Try” The My Mom My Superstar event is dedicated to those players committed to making women’s sport a force to be reckoned with. Featuring enthusiastic support, involvement, and commitment towards taking home the box cricket league championship, our Superstar Moms have given true meaning to women empowerment through sports. We firmly believe that sports are great for developing character. Sportsmanship lies at the heart of team spirit – learning how to play by the rules, and what it feels like to win and lose. “You Earn Your Trophies at Practice and You Just Pick Them Up at Championships” Several parents seemed overwhelmed and enthusiastically encouraged their children – cheering them on throughout the match. As one of the major participants, Gajera Group of Schools had the following teams representing our enthusiastic moms:
• Gajerian Avengers
• Gajerian Unbeatable
• Gajerian Warriors
• Gajerian Vivacious Scorers
We look forward to more such exciting, development-focused events and social activities as we slowly commence our journey out of the pandemic. Gajera Trust will always commit to be on the forefront of such events and even lead the way for many.