We Shall Overcome

Everyone understands that we are going through hard times. Oxygen is scarce, hospital beds are occupied to their full capacity, medicines have gone missing from the counters, long queues can be seen outside medical stores, crematoriums are burning round the clock. In short, we are going through a medical emergency. Not only one district, or one state, but the entire country.
Despite all these hurdles, we must find a way around. We must help one another. At present, we don’t know howwe’ll do it. But let’s take the first step. Take our hand. We are in a position to make a difference, so we will take steps to help the needy. We invite others too who can make a difference. It will take time, but we will succeed.

To find a way, Mr. Vasantbhai Gajera, President of the Shantabaa Medical College and General Hospital, Amreli conducted an emergency meeting with doctors, nurses, and front-line workers on Thursday, 22 April 2021. Together they tried to find newer and better ways to provide all possible assistance to the infected and also to the front line workers. They discussed guidelines to be followed and necessary measures to ease the burden on the medical infrastructure while catering to the medical and emotional needs of patients and their loved ones.
God willing, Shantabaa Medical College and General Hospital will be able to ease the pain everyone is going through. Those who will come to us will for sure will go away with a content heart and hopeful eyes.